Embedded Muse 91 Copyright 2004 TGG January 6, 2004

You may redistribute this newsletter for noncommercial purposes. For commercial use contact jack@ganssle.com.

EDITOR: Jack Ganssle, jack@ganssle.com

- Editor’s Notes
- More on Endianness
- Jobs!
- Joke for the Week
- About The Embedded Muse

Editor’s Notes

I wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year. Let’s hope the job market for embedded designers revives.

In an effort to see what folks are doing to manage their bugs I’ve put a bug-tracking poll at https://www.ganssle.com. Cast your vote!

There are no current plans to host a public Better Firmware Faster seminar in the near future. I often do this seminar on-site, for companies with a dozen or more embedded folks who’d like to learn more efficient ways to build firmware. See https://www.ganssle.com/onsite.htm for more details.

More on Endianness

Selwyn Jackson of SyGade Solutions wrote in response to the link about endianness in Muse 90. They share code between Intel and Hitachi processors – little and big endian CPUs. In addition, the Hitachi parts want all longs and ints word-aligned. He sent in code to provide portability between these sorts of processors and issues, which follows:

Big and Little endian conversions

Selwyn Jackson
SyGade Solutions (Pty) Ltd.

get and put word/longs in default endian
word getDefEndian(byte *x);
long getDefEndianl(byte *x);
putDefEndian(byte *s, word x);
putDefEndianl(byte *s, long x);

get and put word/longs in big endian format
word getBigEndian(byte *x);
long getBigEndianl(byte *x);
putBigEndian(byte *s, word x);
putBigEndianl(byte *s, long x);

get and put word/longs in little endian format
word getLittleEndian(byte *x);
long getLittleEndianl(byte *x);
putLittleEndian(byte *s, word x);
putLittleEndianl(byte *s, long x);


#ifndef ENDIAN_H
#define ENDIAN_H

typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned char word;

// Big endian and Little endian support
// set default ENDIAN to BIG_ENDIAN
#if !defined(DEF_LITTLE_ENDIAN) && !defined(DEF_BIG_ENDIAN)

#if defined(DEF_LITTLE_ENDIAN) && defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN) || \
defined(DEF_BIG_ENDIAN) && defined(BIG_ENDIAN)
#define getDefEndian(x) getword(x)
#define getDefEndianl(x) getlong(x)
#define putDefEndian(s,x) putword(s,x)
#define putDefEndianl(s,x) putlong(s,x)
#define getDefEndian(x) getwordrev(x)
#define getDefEndianl(x) getlongrev(x)
#define putDefEndian(s,x) putwordrev(s,x)
#define putDefEndianl(s,x) putlongrev(s,x)

#if defined(LITTLE_ENDIAN)
#define getLittleEndian(x) getword(x)
#define getBigEndian(x) getwordrev(x)
#define getLittleEndianl(x) getlong(x)
#define getBigEndianl(x) getlongrev(x)
#define putLittleEndian(s,x) putword(s,x)
#define putBigEndian(s,x) putwordrev(s,x)
#define putLittleEndianl(s,x) putlong(s,x)
#define putBigEndianl(s,x) putlongrev(s,x)
#define getLittleEndian(x) getwordrev(x)
#define getBigEndian(x) getword(x)
#define getLittleEndianl(x) getlongrev(x)
#define getBigEndianl(x) getlong(x)
#define putLittleEndian(s,x) putwordrev(s,x)
#define putBigEndian(s,x) putword(s,x)
#define putLittleEndianl(s,x) putlongrev(s,x)
#define putBigEndianl(s,x) putlong(s,x)

// Description: getword(rev) and getlong(rev)
// Parameters: byte buffer pointer
// Returns: word or long value
word getword(byte *s);
word getwordrev(byte *s);
long getlong(byte *s);
long getlongrev(byte *s);

// Description: putword(rev) and putlong(rev)
// Parameters: byte buffer pointer
// word or long value
// Returns: none
void putword(byte *s, word n);
void putwordrev(byte *s, word n);
void putlong(byte *s, long n);
void putlongrev(byte *s, long n);

// Description: reverse a string
// Parameters: byte buffer pointer
// length
// Returns: none
void reverse(byte *s, int l);


Big and Little endian conversions

Selwyn Jackson
SyGade Solutions (Pty) Ltd.


#include "endian.h"

// Description: reverse a string
// Parameters: byte buffer pointer
// length
// Returns: none
void reverse(byte *s, int l)
byte *p, *q;
byte t;

for (p = s, q = s+l-1; p < q; ++p, --q) {
t = *q;
*q = *p;
*p = t;

// Description: getword(rev) and getlong(rev)
// Parameters: byte buffer pointer
// Returns: word or long value
word getword(byte *s)
word n;

memmove((byte*)&n, s, sizeof(n));
return n;
word getwordrev(byte *s)
word n;

memmove((byte*)&n, s, sizeof(n));
reverse((byte*)&n, sizeof(n));
return n;
long getlong(byte *s)
long n;

memmove((byte*)&n, s, sizeof(n));
return n;
long getlongrev(byte *s)
long n;

memmove((byte*)&n, s, sizeof(n));
reverse((byte*)&n, sizeof(n));
return n;

// Description: putword(rev) and putlong(rev)
// Parameters: byte buffer pointer
// word or long value
// Returns: none
void putword(byte *s, word n)
memmove(s, (byte*)&n, sizeof(n));
void putwordrev(byte *s, word n)
memmove(s, (byte*)&n, sizeof(n));
reverse(s, sizeof(n));
void putlong(byte *s, long n)
memmove(s, (byte*)&n, sizeof(n));
void putlongrev(byte *s, long n)
memmove(s, (byte*)&n, sizeof(n));
reverse(s, sizeof(n));


Joke for the Week

In keeping with the New Year, and last issue’s discussion of SPARK: How do you identify the Ada programmer at the upcoming New Year's eve party?

He's the only one there. All others are on duty, fixing Y2K bugs!